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Subject: Why called wine alley

William Gillespie
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Date Posted: 20:32:09 06/28/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "Why was this area called Wine Alley can anyone help" on 17:08:35 06/05/02 Wed

Hi ! I lived at 28 Kellas Street in the wine alley from 1935-1948. I sure can tell you why it was called wine alley.
On a friday when the men got paid some of them would partake of Scotch and beer whilst the rest partook of Wine. This short term oblivion would help them forget their social plight. It would appear that in order to drink every night, and maintain that temporary oblivion some resorted to wine all the time. After all alky is alky, and when you are poor their is not a helluva lot some could do about it.
It was a wild place sometimes and contained a few people who walked on the wilder side, but most were hard working, faithfull, honest, caring and sharing people. Unfortunately it was the wild one's that got noticed. They were no different to any other part of Govan, but the nickname Wine Alley stuck. There is not one stone standing in what is now called moorpark industrial area . The area is covered with more grass now than during the war and after when I was a kid. I walked on the tarmac of Dava, Kellas Lettoch, Rafford and Orton streets in Nov. 2001 when over visiting my ma. It was a very emotionally draining experience for me. However I am glad I went. You can take the boy out of the winey but you cannot take the winey out of the boy.
Bill Gillespie fae the winey.

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McCue frae Kellas StreetNo name00:19:37 08/29/14 Fri

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