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Subject: Ranza Place in Provanmill Springburn,The ragman, the backcourt singers

Billy McDonald
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Date Posted: 04:29:41 09/19/02 Thu
In reply to: Story by Murdo Morrison about Yoker 's message, "MY TENEMENT STORY" on 14:40:14 05/12/02 Sun

We stayed in a place called Ranza Place in Provanmill, we also stayed at Millarbank street in Springburn. I remember the back court singers used to come around and my mum would throw out a penny wrapped in newspaper so it wouldn't roll away when it hit the ground. Sometimes my older sisters would wrap a stone in newspaper and throw it down and the singers would start shouting abuse when they opened it.I can also remember raking the middens and if you found one with good stuff in it you would shout "Lucky Midden".We had an outside toilet in Millarbank Street which we shared with 3 neighbours, i remember we had to put a bit of newspaper in the big keyhole because our neighbours sons used to look through it.I also remember the ragman coming round and shouting "Toys For Rags", you gave him rags and he would usually give you a balloon,pencil with a rubber at the end,plastic water pistol or a foiled ball with an elastic on it.
Billy McDonald

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