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Subject: Looking for Family/Friends from Bridgeton

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Date Posted: 15:48:42 12/05/02 Thu
In reply to: Gaynor Bonnar. 's message, "Life in Maryhill Glasgow" on 21:19:54 11/09/02 Sat

Hi, I am looking for for my fathers family or friends his name is William Murray. He grew up in the Tenement Flats in Bridgeton. My dad lived at 100 Finnart Street and grew up there during the war. He was born in 1934, he had 2 older brothers James(approx 10years older) and Andrew(approx 5 years older) who both moved onto London which is there last known address there has been no contact between family members for approx 25 years, my fathers parents names were William and Marion(nee Anderson) My father left Bridgeton in 1960 for Australia on a ship called the Castel Faleets for a working holiday but he met my mother and got married a few years later, and has never returned to Scotland.
If anyone can help me with my search for his family or friends it would be greatly apprieciated. I wish to reunite my father with any of his old childhood friends or family members so if anyone has any information at all no matter how small you may think it is please email me
Thank you in Advance Glenn Murray

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