Subject: McAuslin Street townhead |
Edward Harkness
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Date Posted: 01:58:58 01/01/03 Wed
In reply to:
Story by Murdo Morrison about Yoker
's message, "MY TENEMENT STORY" on 14:40:14 05/12/02 Sun
Came across your web-site and read with interest the story from Janet Palmer from McAuslin Street. We lived at 76 St.James Road on the corner of Stanhope Street, on the ground floor until the place one up became available, and went to St. David's Primary school. Mum was glad to get the "hoose wan up" due to the rats that lived at the back of the close.(Four legged variety that is!)
Although we moved to the suburbs of South Glasgow, namely Craigbank near Nitshill, it is with fond memories that I recall my days around Townhead. McAuslin Street was a "smooth" tarred road you reached from the other end of Stanhope Street and were you could easily play fitba, and I remember being sent to the pawn in that street with a "couple of things" to get us through the week!
Don't remember too many cars around in these days!
Mum & Dad would send me & my brother to the Boys Brigade on the other side of Parlimentry Road, & the chip shop on the corner of Glebe Steet & Kennedy Street. A walk along to the junction of Castle Street & Stirling Road at the start of Alexandra Parade and you were at the pictures.
Playing around these streets, their "backs' and the "spare grounds" (courtesy of Mr Hitler no doubt) are all memories I recall fondly. Although the people of that time were doing it tough, you were always safe, and a piece n jam thrown from your mums window would sustain you through the day until your mum shouted out the window for you to come up for your dinner.
Dalziels bakery, the Athol pub, the corner shops around McAuslin street and St.James Road outside our school, & the swimming baths near the hospital are all places I remember. Your mum would take you to the swings around the place were you would go on the roundabouts and come off feeling sick....only for a wee while then back on for more of the same! Dad worked as a lorry driver at the BRS & we used to go to the Band of Hope at the local church...don't remember it's name, only that as protestants, it wasn't St. Mungo's church.
Living & teaching engineering trades in Sydney Australia now for the past 20 years. Anyone out there from that time would could share memories of Townhead in that period of the early to late '60's, it would be great to hear from you.
Edward Harkness.
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