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Date Posted: 01:26:22 04/10/04 Sat
Author: rgraajesh
Subject: Re: ONLINE DATA ENTRY WORK EARN RS.10000/- - RS.20000/- PER MONTH
In reply to: Preeti Dhawan 's message, "Re: ONLINE DATA ENTRY WORK EARN RS.10000/- - RS.20000/- PER MONTH" on 22:52:05 04/07/04 Wed



If you want in our services please read below.

Our Services ;

Data Entry / Data Processing
Data Capture and Digital Imaging
Digitisation and Conversion
Forms based data capture
Manual data entry
Full-text data capture
Optical Character Recognition
Data Capture and Digital Imaging
Our high-quality/high volume production document scanners accurately capture
and convert to digital image format a large range of source material
Text-based documents: whether printed matter or handwritten including,
memos, air waybills, surveys, reports, instruction manuals, business cards,
index cards, product warranties
Numeric-based documents: financial statements, payroll records, time sheets
Forms based documents: surveys, questionnaires, application forms of any
kind (credit-cards, loans, product registration, etc.)
Image based documents: photographs, property details, charts, graphs
Mixed-format documents: bank statements, credit card statements, etc
By digitising your data using document imaging, an exact scan of every
original document is stored online (like a very clear photocopy), in
addition to making the information searchable and easily retrieved. That
way, when you find the information you need, you can print, fax or email the
entire page it came from.
Files are scanned and a digital image of each page is stored on a CD-ROM,
your hard disk drive or network server. Electronic "index cards" can attach
information to a document such as date, client name, reference number or
even the actual text of the document. Files can still be viewed, printed,
shared and stored, but imaging and indexing adds an advantage by giving
documents active content.
We provide the software you need to search, retrieve and view your digitised
data directly on the CD-ROM or, if necessary, on your PC or network server.
Digitisation and Conversion
Using leading-edge technologies and skilled staff, we convert your
unstructured data into a variety of useful digital formats:
MS Word, RTF, TXT, PDF, HTML, SGML, XML, MS Excel, and others as per your
Forms based data capture
We capture data from all types of handwritten forms accurately, rapidly and
cost-effectively. We work with a variety of applications including:

Coupon redemptions
Credit card applications
Insurance claims
Medical claims
Patient records
Product registration cards
Shipping documents
Manual data entry
Suntec's Data Services includes manual keying of every possible text,
numeric or mixed document. Manual data entry allows you to do much more with
your corporate information than just imaging, saving you time, money and
giving you measurable competitive advantages.

Full-text data capture
For your text and numeric based documents, whether printed or hand-written,
we provide a highly accurate and rapid service to manually enter your data
into an electronic format.

We guarantee accuracy in excess of 99.9%. Using state-of-the art software
and manual validation procedures, you can rest assured of the integrity of
your data.

For when your requirements are extremely urgent, we can still guarantee the
same levels of accuracy with even faster turnaround. Our proprietary
software conducts real-time, character level validation 'on-the-fly'. This
eliminates the need for multiple cycles of verification allowing a very
rapid turnaround.

Optical Character Recognition
We convert your hard-copy documents into digital, editable text using rapid,
accurate, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Using state of the
art hardware and software, your hard-copy documents are turned into a format
of your choosing (MS Word, TXT, RTF, etc.) ready for rapid, organised, and
simple storage and retrieval.

Suntec's Data Entry division offers high quality, cost-effective data entry
services ideally suited to high volume data entry applications such as data
base and mailing list compilation, key from images, data extraction from
web, electronic publication, file conversion etc.

Suntec's Data-Entry Division can accurately input any type of data you have,
saving you time and money. Don't tie down your office staff with mindless
data entry requests. Use their time to your best advantage by letting Suntec
complete your data entry needs. If you have a one-time need or an ongoing
requirement, large or small, we have a solution to fit your needs. Our work
is timely, accurate and cost-effective. We treat your documents with care
and take the entire worry off your hands.

Our Services include:
Text / Data Entry
Data extraction / Online data retrieval from web
Word Processing
Scanning Services
File Transfers
Indexing / Hyperlinking Services
CD-preparation and replication.
We convert your paper-based data into electronic format. Our specialty is
Text entry, Conversion of books, periodicals, research papers into digital
form and also into Web pages. We work with handwritten or typed or printed
text. Send us your files via the Internet / e-mail as zip file, rtf file,
tiff file, pdf file or you can send hard copies. We will convert them into
digital form.

We can input:
Books, manuals, periodicals, research papers etc.
Customer Lists, Warranty Registrations
Trade show contacts
Business cards
Catalogs, and
any other data entry needed

We can deliver the information in any format including Microsoft Word
(*.doc), Microsoft Access (*.mdb), Microsoft Excel (*.xls), Database
(*.dbf), Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf), HTML, ASCII, and on hard
copy, CD, floppy diskette, cartridges, or via the Internet / e-mail or any
other mode of your choice


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