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Date Posted: 04:34:44 10/19/02 Sat
Author: Teri Chandler, President

Again, ladies and gentlemen and new families to Our Little Miss in Utah. You are so blessed to have such caring and nice people who host your state competitions. Patti and Jim are wonderful leaders who care so for all of you.

I would like to ask a huge favor to any person(s) in Utah. As the case of all State/Country leaders Patti and Jim are working deligently on making your state finals a grand event. I think the area Nursing Homes, Parades, Performing venues such as mall performances, etc. need to see the fantastic OLM royalty Utah has on her thrown right now. Perhaps some of the OLM moms, dads, grandparents of Utah could act as social event coordinators. Patti and Jim and all the local Board Members can continue to work on their preliminaries and official events while you guys are out showing everyone in Utah just what Our Little Miss is all about.

Perhaps even a grand fund raiser for those less fortunate than your own as this winter season approaches. Gathering coats and warm clothing to give to the little ones who have very little. Food or blankets. All of these things done in groups are so rewarding and I know the kind and giving hearts you guys have.

So let's see if we can all band together to start your 540,000 Pennies of Hope campaign in Utah. Our charity helps thousands and we can start a chapter in Utah too.

Congratulations to all who have continued the terrific work for Our Little Miss. We hope to see you in Tennessee for World Beauty, but until then have a great state finals and one day we want to come to your state too.

Teri and the entire World Headquarters gang

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