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Subject: Review of The Legend of Ron Anejo by Ed Tega

Warren Thurston
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Date Posted: July 12, 2003 6:32:12 EDT

Review of “The Legend of Ron Anejo” – By Ed Teja

Publisher: Novel Book Inc – www.novelbooksinc.com
ISBN: 1-59105-053-7 (ebook)
Price: $5.50

The Caribbean has always brought to mind scenes of tropical beauty. It is a place where the free spirit of the early buccaneers lingers. Somewhere that one can be the master of one’s destiny and leave the hassles of the modern world behind.
So it was with the great Ron Anejo and his shipboard mate, the narrator of this story. Together they sought to find their place in history, each with the need to succeed at being free. It was an urge that lead them to undertake a series of adventures; only suited to the most optimistic amongst us.
Both were men that had dreams of vast material wealth. Yet it was a condition of life that continued to evade them. But this did not kill their enthusiasm for deep down it was the thrill of the hunt and not the final victory that mattered to them.
To an outsider set in the nine to five struggles to make ends meet, taking huge risks is not acceptable. Their world needs structure, order and well laid out plans. It is not for them to suddenly leap from their comfort zone and search for adventure.
Yet this was exactly what the narrator of this tale did. Granted he did it with the naivety of a schoolboy about life, yet was willing to take what life threw back at him. He had heard of the great Ron Anejo’s brilliance as a sea captain and hoped to one day meet him.
He got his wish when he sailed his broken down yacht into Toenail Bay, on the island of Kayakoo. One of the local Rasta’s introduced him to Ron Anejo. The two hit it off right away and Ron got a job for him with Gritty’s shipyard as a mechanic.
It was the start of a lifelong adventure together that still goes on. The trouble they get themselves into will both amaze and amuse the reader. Nothing was ever simple for them, but then they would have it no other way.
Ed Teja has brought to life a taste of adventure from days gone by. His characters are rich in the fabric of what makes a person well rounded. Ingenious, flexible, calculating and strong willed so as not to let life rule them but to be able to choose how they live.
Readers who seek an escape from the usual cloak and dagger thrillers will delight in this book. It will take them into a world few of us will ever see. Well-constructed and told with humor, Ed Teja’s book will give many readers a great deal of reading pleasure.

Review by Warren Thurston – Owner of Boggle Books
“The home of Quality eBook Reviews”

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