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Subject: A few things to remember

Michelle (board owner)
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Date Posted: January 07, 2005 1:16:40 EDT

I had forgot I started this board a few years ago, until somebody mentioned it on another. So I came here to see what it looked like. It obviously hasn't been used in a while, but I hope people will feel free to post about celebrity deaths, whethter they're from Hollywood, the theater, politics, or a local, hometown celebrity that the rest of the world never heard about. This page is about recognizing the death of a person, acknowledging their contributions, and remembering them.

It is not to be used as a political forum or name-calling platform. As time allows I will maintain this board, and any political discussions will be deleted, as will any "yeah, he died" kind of replies. This board is meant for people who truly want to pay tribute to those who leave us.

If you want to back stab and call names and discuss politics, I suggest you do a Voy search and find a board dedicated to those subjects, they aren't welcome here.

With that, please, anyone reading, do post notices of the dearly departed, and let's all honor them for their lives.

Thanks ........ Michelle

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