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Subject: Lee C. Frischknecht; National Public Radio President

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Date Posted: January 11, 2005 11:22:43 EDT

Lee C. Frischknecht, 76, who served as president of National Public Radio from 1973 to 1977, died Dec. 29 in Logan, Utah. He had Alzheimer's disease.

In 1970, a friend encouraged Mr. Frischknecht to join NPR in Washington as the director of network affairs. He was elevated to vice president and became president in 1973. Frank Mankiewicz took over as president in 1977, and Mr. Frischknecht served briefly as senior vice president of programming and distribution.

He finished his career at Arizona State University's KAET-TV, where he retired in 1993.

Lee Conrad Frischknecht was a native of Brigham City, Utah, and a graduate of Utah State University.

He left KID-AM/FM in Idaho Falls to pursue a master's degree from Michigan State University, where he worked at the school's television station.

He was promoted to general manager there but became discouraged when Michigan State decided to share time with a commercial station.

Mr. Frischknecht moved to New York to work for National Educational Television, becoming the director of field services in 1964. He returned to Logan in 1968 as director of university relations and special educational services at Utah State. There, he oversaw the school's radio and television station.

Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Sara Jean; four daughters; and 13 grandchildren.

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