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Subject: Tom King, Wall Street Journal Columnist,

dead @ 39
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Date Posted: April 15, 2003 3:28:06 EDT

Tom King, the Hollywood columnist of The Wall Street Journal, died on Sunday while he was visiting friends on Long Island, The Journal reported yesterday. He was 39 and lived in Los Angeles.

The cause of death was not known, pending an autopsy.

A native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mr. King earned a bachelor's in journalism and mass communication from the University of Iowa in 1986, the year he joined The Journal in New York as a news assistant. Two years later he became a staff reporter covering advertising agencies.

He moved to Los Angeles in 1991 to report on the entertainment business and was named a senior special writer in 1999. He contributed a weekly feature, "Hollywood Journal," the last of which, headlined "Piloting the Fall Season," appeared on Friday.

He is the author of "The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys and Sells the New Hollywood" (Random House, 2000), an unflattering biography of the entertainment magnate and co-founder of SKG DreamWorks.

Mr. King is survived by his partner, Ken Miller of Los Angeles; his parents, June and Don of Cedar Rapids; a sister, Joan, of Atlanta; and a brother, Bob, of Utah.

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Re: Tom King - longer obituaryand pictureApril 15, 2003 6:31:19 EDT

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