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Subject: William Zeck, Prosecutor at Nuremberg

New York
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Date Posted: November 17, 2002 12:40:40 EDT

William A. Zeck, a retired New York State judge and political official who was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg war-crimes trials, died on Oct. 26 at his home in Suffern, N.Y. He was 87.

At Nuremberg he took part in the prosecution of 23 officials of I. G. Farben, the German company whose chemicals were used in death-camp gas chambers. Despite persuasive evidence, the verdict was mixed.

Mr. Zeck practiced law in Rockland County for many years and was the upstate campaign manager for Robert F. Kennedy's campaigns for the Senate and the presidency. Mr. Zeck was also chairman of the 1965 Democratic Campaign Committee in New York State.

In 1981, Judge Zeck was elevated to the State Supreme Court in White Plains, and after retirement was a judicial hearing officer.

William Allen Zeck was born and raised in Manhattan. He graduated from what became Townsend Harris High School, in Queens, and received both a bachelor's degree and his law degree from New York University.

He is survived by his wife, Belle Mayer Zeck, who was also a Nuremberg prosecutor; a daughter, Deborah Zeck Thorne of Nyack, N.Y.; a son, John G. Zeck, of Littleton, Colo.; and four grandchildren.

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