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Subject: Roy W. Morse, hydroelectric engineer

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Date Posted: November 21, 2002 8:04:16 EDT

Roy W. Morse, who directed construction of hydroelectric and water storage dams and realigned city streets for the world's fair in 1962 and for construction of Interstate 5, died Monday. He was 96.

Morse, head of the water and engineering departments for two decades, was a former president of the national and state chapters of the American Public Works Association and was named Engineer of the Year by the Society of Civil Engineers in 1965.

Morse came by his life's work easily. His father, Chester W. Morse, was a visionary Seattle city engineer and water director for whom one of the city's principal water reservoirs is named.

Morse spent a decade as a Boeing Co. engineer, helping to develop aircraft from World War II military planes to the 747 commercial jet, before moving to the Municipal Building following his father's death in 1949.

Eight years later, he began 14 years as city engineer, presiding over such projects as the world's fair, conversion of the fair site into the Seattle Center and construction of I-5.

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