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Subject: Madeline Jaynes, Editor

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Date Posted: November 23, 2002 11:41:20 EDT

Madeline Greenleaf Jaynes, a researcher, librarian and editor, died yesterday at her home in Brooklyn. She was 59.

The cause was cancer, her family said.

Ms. Jaynes was a news researcher for The New York Times from 1971 to 1978 and later for CNN in Atlanta. For the last five years, she worked for Time magazine as assistant editor on the international edition. Earlier, she had lectured in English at Toyama University in Toyama City, Japan.

Ms. Jaynes was born in Orange, N.J., grew up in Short Hills and graduated from Millburn High School. She received a bachelor's degree in history from Earlham College in 1965 and a master's degree in library science two years later from the University of Michigan.

She is survived by her husband, Gregory Jaynes; a sister, Lisa Greenleaf Miller of New Haven; a brother, Newcomb Greenleaf of St. Johnsbury, Vt.; a stepson, Todd Jaynes of Dahlonega, Ga.; a stepdaughter, Whitney Jaynes Laidlaw; and two grandchildren.

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