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Subject: Brazilian Sculptor Amilcar de Castro

Belo Horizonte
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Date Posted: November 23, 2002 11:58:25 EDT

Amilcar de Castro, who cut and folded massive iron sheets to create some of Brazil's best-known modern sculpture, has died. He was 82.

Castro was hospitalized two weeks ago to unblock a coronary artery but died of heart failure shortly before midnight Thursday, according to the Felicio Rocho Hospital in Belo Horizonte, 210 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro.

Born in 1920 in the town of Paraisopolis in Minas Gerais state, Castro studied law but abandoned it for drawing and design and soon moved to sculpture.

After studying in New York in the 1960s, Castro focused on iron and steel. His graceful abstract sculptures in bent and cut metal are on display in Rio and were the centerpiece of expositions in Brazil and abroad.

"I tried to make sculpture simpler and simpler," he said in a recent TV interview. "I reduced geometric figures to their simplest form--circles and squares. I would cut a piece and bend another. Then I wouldn't cut, just bend. Then not bend, just injure the surface."

Castro is survived by his wife, Dorcilia Caldeira Castro, and three children.

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