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Subject: Noel Regney, songwriter (Do You Hear What I Hear)

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Date Posted: November 27, 2002 10:20:40 EDT

Noel Regney, who wrote the holiday classic "Do You Hear What I Hear" and the 1963 No. 1 hit "Dominique," died this week after a long illness. He was 80.

As a young man, Regney studied classical music in Paris and Strasbourg, but his goal of becoming a composer was interrupted by World War II.

A native of France, he was forced into the Nazi army but rebelled and became a secret agent for the French Resistance, his stepdaughter, Trish Spiegel, said.

Moved by his war experiences, he wrote "Do You Hear What I Hear" in 1962 as a poem for peace. Regney's wife, Gloria Shayne, a pianist he met in New York, helped him compose the song. Bing Crosby made the song famous when he recorded it a year later.

"Dominique" topped the charts in 1963 and ended its five-week run a month before the Beatles hit the pop scene.

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