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Subject: Travis Tuck, Weather Vane Sculptor

died November 18
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Date Posted: November 30, 2002 5:33:57 EDT

Travis Tuck, a sculptor of weather vanes whose works top Steven Spielberg's stable and Penn State's football stadium, died here on Nov. 18. He was 59.

The cause was cancer, The Cape Cod Times reported.

Mr. Tuck got his break during the filming of the movie "Jaws" on Martha's Vineyard in 1974, when he was asked to make a weather vane for the shanty of the crusty fisherman, Quint, played by Robert Shaw.

The piece, with a fierce shark, never appeared in the film, but several members of the crew asked Mr. Tuck to make them weather vanes as souvenirs, and his reputation spread.

Mr. Tuck's weather vanes, which were sold for $10,000 to $100,000, perch on buildings in 13 countries. Among his most famous are a four-foot dinosaur on the stable at Mr. Spielberg's estate in East Hampton, N.Y., and a Nittany Lion on Beaver Stadium at Penn State.

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