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Date Posted: 10:26:55 05/13/02 Mon
Author: Felix
Subject: The lab
In reply to: Corporate VP 's message, "Strumming fingers" on 10:25:05 05/13/02 Mon

The security doors locked with a hiss. Felix stood just past the entryway, looking about with a cold analytical gaze. He had just entered Section 12, the highest security section for the whole research department. The room was sterile, with most of it being uncolored and undecorated metal. Felix began to walk across the room going towards a lab technician or doctor or someone else of importance, his dress shoes clanked against the floor with a resounding echo with each step. Most of the room was emptied of workers as it was the late night shift and most sections were closed or running on minimal staff. Off to Felix’s left were the remains of a dissection. The Creature appeared to have been a jellyfish of some sort. It’s nervous system had been removed for closer examination and was lying on a separate metal tray. Four strange claw-like parts were lying off to the side. To Felix’s right were large, clear tubes that extended from the floor to the ceiling (and perhaps further in both directions). Some were completely empty, some were filled with strange creatures, some with fluid, and some had both fluid and creatures in them. The creatures were of different shapes and sizes, but all looked aggressive.

Felix reached the man he was looking for. “Good evening Doctor Phillips, I believe you have something for me.”

“Indeed, Look…”

A wall behind Felix began to fold in on itself, revealing a glass cage. Inside was what looked like a strange dinosaur, but it had a clear mid section laced with veins and it floated off the ground; it’s feet a few inches from the ground. Numerous cables and wires were attached the creatures skin and lead to the sides of the chamber. Its mouth was lined with sharp teeth; it’s arms with razor claws. The head was shaped much like a T-Rex’s. Its tail was long and had a spike on the end.

“Mr. Morison, meet the Delta type. It’s the furthest in the evolution of its species.” The Doctor smiled, “Do you have the DNA sample?”

“Here it is” Felix said as he pulled out a small device. On it’s interface screen was a rotating model of a DNA strand.

“With this,” the doctor explained as he grabbed the device, “and with the genetic enhancements we’ve made, it’ll be able to track down the target in no time.” The Doctor inserted the device into a computer console. Within a few seconds, the device was ejected back out of the machine. “…And it’s as easy as that.” The Doctor pushed a button; the cables and wires detached, and the creature was released into space.

“Excellent…” Felix said as he made a quick turn on his heel. “Keep up the good work Doctor.” He walked out of the research lab and back to his office.

“Is it something Deadly?
Anybody listening?
Anybody hear?
Show the world your brokenness.”
- Superstar, East West

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