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Date Posted: 13:55:14 02/21/01 Wed
Author: suga
Author Host/IP: bess2.pisd.edu.151.169.in-addr.arpa /
Subject: Re: ENG PAPER
In reply to: suga 's message, "ENG PAPER" on 14:08:51 02/20/01 Tue





>The Inferno and Paradise Lost as Tools for the
>Betterment of Society
>Although both the Inferno and Paradise Lost are often
>valued as great literary compositions, one can find
>the common thread in both authors' intent. Both the
>Milton and Dante attempt to expose the evils of
>society with the hope of their efforts resulting in
>the betterment of their immediate society, at the
>realization of their sense of justice. To accomplish
>this through their writings 3 things must be done.
>They must first expose the evils that must be
>corrected. They must then give reasons to change such
>evils. They must then provide a means of correction.
> To improve upon society, one must begin by exposing
>the evils that need improvement. Dante is very direct
>in his confrontation of society. The careful
>selection of the realms of Hell, crimes to be punished
>in each realm, punishment for the crimes, and the
>inhabitants of each realm expose his qualms with his
>More on inferno
>Milton does not focus on the crimes or sins of his
>time, but instead he focuses on the inherent flaws
>that man poses as a result of original sin. Leaning
>away from what Dante believed, he stressed "that
>results matter less than states of minds." His
>thoughts can seem to coincide better with those of
>Locke concerning the Nature of Mankind. He argues
>that certain characteristics, such as Eve's narcissism
>or Adam's lust for Eve, are the causes of this fall.
>More concisely, the aspect of humans that Milton
>focuses on most is that of selfishness, which includes
>both Adam's lust and Eve's narcissism.
> The selfish nature of humans (evil).
>He uses fear as a deterrent from evil as he exposes
>the "ancient spirits tried/ in endless pain, and
>[Dante hears] their lamentation/ as each bemoans the
>second death of souls" (Dante 31).

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