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Date Posted: 18:20:09 04/05/01 Thu
Author: Nitesh
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Nitesh...
In reply to: Yo Mama 's message, "Nitesh..." on 15:10:28 04/05/01 Thu


Thank you for taking the time to answer this question, or at least help me in answering it. Right now, I have been rejected from Stanford (they can suck my balls =D), but admitted to Princeton and Duke. I'm still waiting to hear from Harvard and Yale.

I may be calling up your EMT ass in Alaska, if I find myself needing more advice! =D


>>I'm being considered for the Jefferson Scholarship at
>>UVA. if I get it, I think I'll take it over Duke,
>>Stanford, Harvard, and all (provided I get in). What
>>do you think?
>The answer to this question depends greatly on what
>you plan to do with yourself in a professional
>capacity. I realize that the implications of this
>decision seem distant, but I urge you to carefully
>consider them nonetheless.
>Let me begin by citing UVA as a great school, one at
>which I'm sure you would excell. I maintain that the
>'college experience' is what one makes of it and you,
>undoubtedly, will push yourself and your professorial
>counterparts to their very limits. But as any seasoned
>athlete or academician knows too well, one can only
>push himself so far... Great *rowers* and thinkers
>alike depend on those whom they consider faster or
>smarter to push them farther than was possible in
>isolation. That's not to say you'll possess the only
>brilliant mind at UVA. Nor can I promise a student
>body composed entirely of geniuses at an Ivy League
>institution. What I can guarantee is a /relative/
>dearth of such resources at the former.
>If you were interested in becoming a high school
>teacher or perhaps working in the bowels of a Fortune
>500 company, I'd suggest pursuing an education
>wherever you felt most comfortable, be it financial or
>academic. But I have seen many students come and go
>and you are one of the most brilliant I've ever had
>the pleasure of knowing. Take this flattery as you
>may... simply put, my point is that not pushing a mind
>like yours to its very limits would be a damn shame.
>Will you be able to push yourself at UVA? No question.
>Will you reach your /full/ potential? Not unless you
>surround yourself with people of equal or greater
>Ultimately, you are the only one who can take
>everyting into account, weigh all of your options and
>make the appropriate decision.
>Incidentally, I just declined full-ride scholarships
>from both the Navy and Air Force. I was given exactly
>120 hours to make my decision (certainly a monumental
>one as it incurred a 5-year post-residency comittment)
>and slept maybe 10 hours during that time.... Moral:
>on the road of life, true forks are rare and deserve
>very careful consideration. You may never be
>completely sure of your decision, but never second
>guess it.
>I hope this rant has provided some perspective
>regarding your upcoming decisions. Let me know which
>path you choose and, rest assured, they all lead to
>greener pastures.
>Best wishes.

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