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Date Posted: 00:03:06 05/23/01 Wed
Author: Y.S.
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: .
In reply to: 4th 's message, "." on 10:09:59 05/16/01 Wed

Hey, everybody,
I guess you all know who I am now, there is no reason to hide it any more, this is 12 am in Seattle, I can't call any friends up right now, I will just as well share one of my craziest days (today) with you guys (for fun)
I got back 5 pm this afternoon, Jamie (her) called me up to do a bike trip to the beach. So I said OK. After we biked 8 miles (basically in the middle of no where) She got a flat tire. This is the only time we didn't bring tool, and I didn't bring my cell. So finally after a hour and half I made it to a public phone, called Sarah (one of my best friends) She came and put our bikes in her van, and drove to the beach, so we had a great time. Then, we drove to my apartment, Jamie discovered that she put her shoes under Sarah's van, which had been forgotten at the beach. So Jamie and I drove her car back to the beach to pick up the shoes. Finally, we made it back to my apartment at around 10:40pm. I walked her out and said "good night". Then I went back to my apartment, and took a shower. The police came knocking on my door.-- my car got broken into, everything was in it, and glasses are everywhere..... Well, I guess it has just been a tough day.... Got to go, still an exam tomorrow morning... Have fun you guys, and enjoy the rest of the senior year.

>>page. And Christal, were you referring to me or YS
>>about the classmate?

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