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Date Posted: 01:39:34 05/17/02 Fri
Author: Don Barone
Subject: Re: Not for The Squeamish: The Original Addams Family ?
In reply to: hera 's message, "Re: Not for The Squeamish: The Original Addams Family ?" on 01:14:20 05/17/02 Fri

Hi hera:

He was simply trying to tell the truth as he saw and felt it. If I had lived a hundred years ago and felt as I do now it would have been impossible other than in stories to get my views across. Mercifully I have been chosen to live in this era of the internet where all my questions can be answered in an instant. Who knows where men such as Galieo, Capernicus, Wells, Swift, Carol, and all the other great men some confined to mental institutions because of their inability, and societies inability, to grasp the facts. Hugo and Darwin and Plato and Jesus and Budha and Gandhi all saw it but it was simply not the right time. Always remember the prophecies of the bible that not untill the word could spread to every corner of the earth would the Truth be revealed again. It is now that time and we have been chosen to take it to the finish line. Be humbled my friend for it is a gift but we all have earned this gift from our past glories, some might even call them lives. I have begun to study the master paintings in earnest and am finding some very unusual things. Many of the faces portrayed are very similar and I have found some which are identical to persons living today. Is this proof of reincarnation? I say yes and I shall start a string on this shortly.

In Love and The Light

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Don Barone

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