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Date Posted: 09:46:26 06/19/01 Tue
Author: Kevin Jackson
Subject: Re: New TNL Message Board
In reply to: Girl that josh thinks hates him 's message, "Re: New TNL Message Board" on 17:00:43 06/18/01 Mon

>Anyway, no one has explained the whole action jackson
>thing. Would someone clarify?

Well, it's really more "Get No Action" Jackson than "Action" Jackson. To solve this nickname dilemma, TNL decided a few months ago to host a "Get Jackson Action" competition of sorts. If girls wanted, they could make out with me for a Mr. Minkey stuffed animal (after a while, a few people threw in some pocket change to the offer). BTW, this contest has been extended to include the WHOLE brass section (Jesse D., Jesse T., and heck, even Josh, who you for some odd reason believes hates you), so nobody feels left out.

Speaking of feeling left out, hardly anyone has taken up the offer. When it was first announced at the Rec Center show, a scary scary punk rocker man tried to grab me, which I didn't like that much. Furthermore, a girl lunged at Jesse D. and later gave me her leopard print bra (so the offer was somewhat successful). At the Village Pub show, Jesse T.'s little sister asked me how much she would be paid, and I grew quite frightened. Since then Josh has made it a ritual to find girls and ask them to make out with me. No takers yet, not even Eva. And especially not Molly!

ANYWAY, I believe that scratches the surface on the Actionless Jackson urban legend.

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