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Date Posted: 20:01:16 08/18/00 Fri
Author: Josh
Subject: Re: New TNL Message Board
In reply to: Kevin Jackson 's message, "Re: New TNL Message Board" on 16:10:45 08/18/00 Fri

Kevin stop trying to get everyone to not make fun of you. You can't get laid... no big deal. When the rest of us are having a good gig on the futons after we open for some big band you can go listen to depressing rock music and masturbate while looking at pictures of naked Irish Sailors (Not saying Jackson is gay, He isn't). It's all good. I wouldn't want to do it because I already had my time where everone in the band made fun of me, but I hold no grudges. Now it is your turn, enjoy it while it lasts. You will some day miss it when we start making fun of Kevin Story and Adam. Maybe someday I will even be made fun of again. Well, I hope you don't hate me for making everyone in the known world think you are some kind of perverted, one-legged freak who couldn't get laid by standing outside of a 7-11 with 100 million dollar bills coming out of his pants on "Have Sex With Action Jackson Day." Well just remember we all love you Kevin and when things get bad just be thankful you aren't Schnee!


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