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Buford Clarence Grizzle
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Date Posted: 17:16:01 05/26/04 Wed

Sir I Buford C Grizzle Charge the VA . FED. GOV of taking advantage of the MENTLLY HANDYCAP .
you don't serve your country with an IQ of 20 so that makes them totally responceable for my disabilty
and the cause of my sons disabilty as my wife conseive him in FEB 1967 when I just return home.
I want everyone in this country to know what this country and the people in law enforcement in this state of Tennessee have did to me and mine and lots of others.
For no logical reason .
In Aug 1999 I was taken from my mothern laws home for doing nothing my wife, mothernlaw and two disable children telling the locale City Police of Cookeville that I had did nothing to go to jail. Well after trying to get the
them to understand that I was sick and couldn't tell them I was a disable Vietnam vet who served his country with brain damage and IQ OF 20 my records reflecting my conditions.
They put me in a holding cell , me with nothing on but a pair of shorts and me telling them I could die without my medication although I had had a few drinks of homemade wine but wasn't drunk out of what little brains I had left from serving this country .
They came into my cell, 3 of them telling me to set down on a bunk ,
I did as they told me then without any warning they sprayed me all over with pepper spray me just asking for my medication I had been on for 13 year just to stay alive.
I was then told to lay down and shutup so I did.
I was made ware it tell I went threw court and my bail was set at $400.00 so I made bail later that day
wasn't even offered a ride and me so sick from serving this country disable and going threw what I did
I walk to a K mart store a 3/4 mile away just barelly making it without passing out because the
sun was beaming down on me and me still warring the spay set me a fire or felt that way even after that drug me and my wife threw court three more times before they threw it out.And to beet it all they have did every thing they could to agervate my condition sense then them and all in this town because the government don't want to pay me and mine anything .
Even went to the VA out pat clinic afew days later the came in with a q tip and stuck it in my ear and damage my ear so bad it bleed all the the night after then went to get a flue shot at the same VA clinic here and they tried to break the needle off in me.Now they expect me to go back for more after that before they pay me there little hand out I would have to be crazier than Iam .
how this government has used me and then turn me out without a dime. As a child of one and a half year old , my mother told me just before she past away that I had fell when she was doing her washing and went to hang them out. > >She left me on the porch but she shut the gate to the steps that led down to the yard and went to hang the close out behind the house when she return she found me lying on the ground beneath the porch. > >She said she had left a chair to close banister and I had climb up in the chair and went over the banister falling 10 to 12 ft she thought it had kill me but she finely got me to come around I said oh mom it didn't hurt me but knowing it did for as I was suppose to be learning in school couldn't pickup much on anything but at that time didn't understand why until she told me this. > >So in 1965 Iwas 19 and married about 6 months But though I was know better than the other guys that were having to give there lives for the betterment of south Vietnam . So I volunteered for the ARMY knowing it mite cost me my life and my IQ RATING WAS ONLY 20 > >which shows I wasn't supposed to be in the military at all with that low of rating but was taken anyway and served in Korea and was setup in a combat situation my first night of guard duty to take one of my owns life if the 45 had not been a dummy or not working. Although the reason for this was my low IQ of 20 rating , > >I went on to military police training at the 820th Military police platoon dog in south Korea and became in charge > >of night time security and petrol around a hawk missile base just below the DMZ and in charge of the Kennel as well as the other handlers and their duties and al that went with it . > >Did all of this and more threw the harshest weather on earth when wind chill factor minus 80 degrees below zero when the wind was doing30 & 50 knots, > >have two disable children to show for my service to this country. > >Anyone that knows the VA rules know that the the constitution said if you have a exzesting condition your a hundred present if your duty has aggravated your condition ; > >And with all the things that I have wrong with me and my children show that I have been dishonored > >by those over me in service and those in this town and those at the VA . > >I made SP/4 in less than a year received a good conduct meddle and the N defense meddle and the expeditionary meddle and became the leader of security and the kennel > >and the other handlers all with the IQ of 20 . > >Received two suveer head injures and from my service have rheumatoid arthritis Parkinson dais nerve are shot > >and mental blocks suveer headaches from the time I was > >released and after 38 year they gave me a 10 percent rating what kind of country could do this to a veteran? > >Buford C Grizzle C-file # 26 992 169 Ser #US 53383600 > >Cookeville Tennessee >

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