Subject: Gordon L. Currier Dedication- Ft. Meade Dog Facility |
Jack Duffell
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Date Posted: 10:45:21 04/27/06 Thu
The ceremony is set up for June 28th at 9:00 AM. Mr. Benansky stated that if anyone had any questions please feel free to contact him using the contact information on his e-mails. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get a few of the guys to attend? I appreciate your helping me get this word out!
Subject: Dedication
Mr. Duffell,
I wanted to inform you of a recent request I received. I am pasting it below. I of course gave my permission and hope to attend the dedication along with my Mother and Father. I was hoping you could get the word out to all those who might be interested. It is an honor to all that served. No final date has been established but it is suppose to be sometime the last two weeks of June. In a follow up e-mail Mr. Benansky gave me more information about the unit. I am also pasting it below. Perhaps you can post it on appropriate websites and in the alumni newsletters. I consider this to be a great honor.
If you have any questions or I can assist you please let me know. I appreciate your support. Please let me know you received this from me.
First e-mail:
First let me introduce myself, my name is SFC Benansky and I am the Kennel Master for the Ft. Meade Military Working Dog section at Ft. Meade Maryland. I am writing you today inform you of my intentions to dedicate our brand new facility in honor of your brother PFC Gordon L. Currier, Jr. and his K9 partner Satch. The dedication is a testament to his dedication, sacrifice and selfless service in defending freedom and the American way of life. The Military Police Historian at Ft. Leonardwood suggested your brother as a candidate for this dedication. The installation commander Colonel McCreedy has already approved the dedication and I am seeking your blessing and hopefully your presence. The tentative date for the ceremony is scheduled for the last 2 weeks of June. Would it be possible for you and or your family members to attend? I hope to hear from you soon.
Very Respectfully,
DSN: 622-6453, FAX: 622-3436
CIV: (301) 677-6453)
CELL # 240-417-8385
Second e-mail:
I would like to give you some background information on the 241st Military Police Detachment MWD Kennels. We are a brand new addition to the Military District of Washington Military Working Dog Program. At present I have 4 MWD handlers and 3 patrol explosive detector dogs and 1 patrol dog. I also have 1 Kennel Master team which consists of a Kennel Master, (myself), and a Training NCO. This kennels came to be after the 9/11 attacks to help support the Global War on Terror. We are a small but dedicated group in direct support of the President, Vice President, Sec of Defense, Sec of State, and Joint Chiefs as well as any worldwide deployment that is tasked of the Military District of Washington. Here is a link to one of our news stories that we have done.
If you clink on the link it should take you directly to the new story. We wanted to place a memorial plaque on the building in honor of your brother. After reading your thoughts below I would like to try and include your inscription on the plaque if it is possible and I welcome any other suggestions you may have. The exact date of the ceremony has not been determined but will be in the last 2 weeks of June. As soon as I can confirm the date and details I will provide them. The ceremony would take place right here at the new facility. I think it would be great if any friends, colleagues, or extended family could attend. All are welcome.
After 17 years in the Army and 14 years in the K9 Corps I am grateful to be able to honor one of our own in such a manner. I will finally be able to get the job done right the first time. To my knowledge this is the first MWD Kennel I have been in were it was dedicated to an actual MWD handler. That in it self makes me proud. I hope I was able to give you a bit of our background and our short history.
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