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Date Posted: 21:24:04 10/13/04 Wed
Author: Cindy
Subject: Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with homos
In reply to: your mom 's message, "Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with homos" on 20:28:44 10/09/04 Sat

Hi "your mom". I saw your message and had two questions and a comment.

The comment is: You spelled douche bag wrong. Secondly, why is everyone into this name-calling? If we're on this board talking, I'm thinking we're on the same team and on the right side of things. I can't imagine why we've resorted to putting each other down. I think in light of the fact that we're able to sit at our computers and write, knowing that the guys over in Iraq are keeping things safe for us back home, should make us think only the best of each other. Life is too short.

May I, right here and now, ask for a truce? Name-calling is childish. Criticism is OK as long as you can back up what you say with some intelligence.

Finally the other question is why are you calling Frank a homo.

Final comment is a paraphrase from the Bible: Let you without sin cast the first stone. If you've never commit a sin, then you can judge. And I doubt any of us here is perfect.

Please "your mom" and anyone else, in the words of Rodney King: Can't we all just get along?

Peace and XOXO to Ray Gillen's family. May God bless and keep you.

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  • Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with homos -- Frank A, 16:21:34 10/23/04 Sat
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