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Date Posted: 13:38:37 05/23/05 Mon
Author: Frank Aziza
Subject: Re: I am Ray's Daughter
In reply to: Peg 's message, "Re: I am Ray's Daughter" on 19:05:55 01/05/05 Wed

Hello Ashley,

I was very close friends with your father. He played with my older brother Fred in one of his first bands. They became very close and my brother knew Ray was special and yelled at him everytime he smoked cigarettes and didn't take care of his voice. Your Grandma always loved when Ray was with my brother because she knew Ray would be okay when they were together. Ray was kind of wild at the young age of 18 and my brother was more straight and narrow..So your grand mother felt safe when Ray was with my brother.

In 1985 my brother went to California for a while, and I was kind of lonely and Ray and I hung out together that entire summer, he became my other brother. I was 5 years younger then him and he always said I reminded him of himself when he was younger. He taught me alot of things, mostly because he was once in the same situations as me. For example, he taught me that it was cool not to give in to peer pressure and to do things you want and not what your friends want. I was experimenting with pot when I was in highschool, and really didn't like it but was scared to say no in front of all my friends. Ray told me, it was cool to say I DONT SMOKE....He told me to make that a cool thing.

Oh well, back to 1985, I am 90% positive that was the year. To be sure, i know it was the same year you were born, because I seen Ray with you a few times...He used to pick you up with one hand as you were crawling across the floor...His eyes lit up , they really did.

Anyway, I hope this is really you, and if ever you want to hear anything about your dad, just let me know. We were like brothers.

With Love,
Frank Aziza

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