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Date Posted: 17:07:58 03/21/04 Sun
Author: Frank Aziza
Subject: Re: All about Ray Gillen...
In reply to: Blu 's message, "All about Ray Gillen..." on 19:03:21 06/01/03 Sun

I grew up with Ray, he was a few years older and treated me like a little brother. He did NOT do drugs. In the late 70's he experimented with drugs. By the 1980's he was so into taking care of his voice he stopped smoking cigarettes and didn't touch a drug. He liked a to have a few beers when he socialized.

Anyone, that ever went out with Ray, knew that the whole night he just had woman after woman approach him. He loved the ladies, and maybe he got a disease somewhere along the way.

It bothers me when people debate what happened to him. Does it really matter? the bottom line is, a beautiful man has left us. It's taken me along time to understand how I feel about Ray's passing. I'm not good with dealing with death. So I have never expressed myself to anyone how I felt about Ray's passing. I guess I'm ready to deal with it 10 years later.

I loved that kid, and I idolized him. I knew how he acted, the expressions he made, even the tone of his voice. I used to copy alot of it , mostly to pick up woman as a youngster. So if anyone wants to know about the man, feel free to e-mail me. But, please don't ask me about the very end. Ray never told his close friends he was sick. He didn't want us to see him like that. he wanted us to remember him the way he was. Always cheerful and a big smile on his face. Now i thank him for that, because that's the image I have of him.

I will however set the record straight about one thing. There were no Drugs in his lifestyle. In my seinor year of high school, he taught me that it was cooler not to do drugs then it was to do them. he said, never fall to peer presure.

15 years ago, ray helped my parents carry an airconditionor up a flight of stairs. For the last ten years every time I looked at that air unit in the window, i thought of Ray. Last summer, that AC went, My mom put in a new one. That little thing made me feel, like maybe it was time to let go of a lot of feelings that I have bottled up within myself.

I love you Ray and always will, I talk about you alot. I'm sure you know. I will see you later bro.

Love frank

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