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Date Posted: 11:16:48 05/24/04 Mon
Author: Blu
Subject: Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with death
In reply to: Cindy 's message, "Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with death" on 16:51:27 05/19/04 Wed

I'm sorry to hear about your losses, and I do understand your questions and quest for resolution.

I think I read the same board you did regarding the rumor Ray transmitted the disease. I did not read there, nor have I heard anywhere else, that it would have been "purposeful" were it even true.

The thing to remember about AIDS is it's a disease people love to speculate about, and there are a ton of small minds making miserably crass statements about those who have it. I have no doubt Ray kept so quiet exactly for that reason, because he desired his dignity for as long as he was with us, because people speculate and spread rumors the minute they even think you have something as scary and stereotyped as AIDS.

I think that to continue to speculate on it just perpetuates the problem and the rumors, and we'll never know the answers because the man himself is not here to tell us, and only he has them. We know that Ray was a lovely human being who died tragically of a terrible disease. What he may or may not have done and under what circumstances... that's unfair to his memory, and it's not productive to speculate.

I'm as curious about Ray as you, and then some. I have answered my own questions and formed my own opinions by doing as much research on him as I can, by talking to people who've met him or knew him, those close to him and those who passed thru his life at some point. Look for the best and most reliable sources of info on him that you can; Internet forum rumors are highly unreliable and should be taken with a grain, at most.


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