Date Posted:16:51:27 05/19/04 Wed Author: Cindy Subject: Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with death In reply to:
Lady Rambova
's message, "Re: TO FRANK: Preoccupation with death" on 20:51:45 05/18/04 Tue
Thanks for the reassurance.
I was telling someone else on the board that I had recently lost my uncle to cancer. He was 52--older than Ray would've been. And my aunt, who is in her 70s has it, too, so the combination of that and never getting to meet ray the way I had liked to has not sat well with me emotionally I guess.
I'm perfectly sane and not in the least overzealous, but I think deeply about a lot of things.
This Iraqi situation has me down, too.
I've covered a lot of AIDS topics for publication, and his death has always bothered me. I think even moreso now that I've started listening to Badlands music again.
What have you heard about him besides the rumour that he purposely gave a woman AIDS?
I don't believe that at all. And if it were true, I firmly believe, given his spirituality, he lived and died to regret it.
What a beatiful man he was. God blessed him with so much talent. I only hope realistically that he senses how much he is admired and loved now. I think his legacy within Badlands will be stronger than anyone else's in the band.