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Date Posted: 13:13:49 03/20/06 Mon
Author: Glass Onyon PR
Subject: Dig Jelly's Rayko Rocks With Coverdale

For Immediate Release

Dig Jelly's Rayko Rocks With Coverdale

Los Angeles - 3/20/06 - Rock 'n' Roll wild child Rayko, from L.A.'s hottest alternative hip-hop metal band Dig Jelly, recently rocked the house with David Coverdale and Doug Aldrich of legendary '80s mega group Whitesnake. Sponsored by notorious Los Angeles DJs Mark and Brian from radio 95.5-FM KLOS, and held on the Queen Mary, Japanese-born female singer-songwriter/guitarist Rayko sang back-up on a sizzling version of Whitesnake's "Is This Love," whipping the crown into a virtual frenzy.

Dig Jelly, who's music has been described as "Energetic, hook-driven, mind-blowingly, in-your-face Metal with a dose of Hip-Hop," is currently riding high with the release of their hot new CD For Your Inner Angry Child, released on Santa Monica-based label Centerline Entertainment . Critics worldwide have been raving about the band's new CD calling it "A schizophrenic journey through the land of modern rock!"

After completing a 45-city tour with Veruca Salt, Dig Jelly has been creating a huge buzz in L.A. (even more than before) amongst the music press with their recent electrifying performance at the famous Viper Room (packed solid with Dig Jelly fans) on Sunset Strip. The band and Rayko , who one critic acclaims, "Possesses the pipes to belt it out and scream with the best of them," recently hosted an after party for the NY International Independent Film and Video Festival. The event was also filmed by award winning music video producer Brian Smith.

With the rave reaction to Dig Jelly's new album, of which several tracks were produced by Richard Kaplan of Slipknot/Limp Bizkit/Korn fame, plans for a major tour of Europe and Japan is in the works.

For more information visit the official website at www.digjelly.com
Centerline Entertainment: www.centerlineentertainment.com
Phone: 310-828-6040
1151 25th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Press inquiries: Glass Onyon PR, E-mail: glassonyonpr@cs.com

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