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Date Posted: 20:37:19 02/12/01 Mon
Author: Monica D. Q soon to be Pelly
Subject: Finally we have other readers

hello everyone,

today is Monday February 12, 2001. i'm just sitting at home drugged up on T3's. i just got my wisdom teeth in the back pulled out and i am in alot of pain.

the girls said i look like a chipmunk. My face is pretty bruised. I got my teeth pulled on Saturday, the dentist put me to sleep, something i didn't expect.

then i come home and my dad phoned me, i don't remember talking to him, but he said i was talking stupid on the phone.

So right now i am off work, my mom said there's no need for me to be off work but i told her, " you know how Indians are, we have to go to the extreme.

well besides my drugged up wisdom teeth days, everything between me and Trevor and Meagan are fine.

Auntie i went to the dollar store on thursday to buy some wedding decorations, i know you won't be in agreement with that, but i only bought flowers for the vehicles and a heart that says "just married". the colours are nice, i picked out purple, white and silver, i am really excited.

Auntie, you'll have to tell Katrina and Steph that i said hi and to take care, and for Paul it's nice to see you finally viewing the site since you and your dad were on it.

i check the site regular, so hope you all keep in touch.


Monica D. Q soon to be Pelly

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