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Date Posted: 20:29:28 03/07/01 Wed
Author: Ted Q
Subject: Family Project

This presentation was done in Edmonton Feb 23,2001
This a Family Driven(60 members) project organized & designed by the family with no funding or help from professionals or government.It is generational,involves our mother,my 10 brothers and sisters,40 grandchildren and our wives,husbands.
Our IRS history
<4 different religions:Catholic,Anglican,Methodist,Protestant

This experience destroyed our family ad many of us have experienced various forms of child abuse in the schools.We felt it was important to come together and connect as a family,as many of have went through many group programs but still do not feel connected to our own mother or as brother and sisters and our own children did not know why we were not a family and they wanted to understand and know what happened to us.
We have been meeting for approximately 4 yrs,4times a yr usually on long weekends to accomodate travel ad those that work.Family members live in Vancouver,Regina,Saskatoon,Red Deer,onthe rez. We met on the rez,cities,resorts,on our traditional Land Peepaw,and at ceremonies,feasts,and at Sundances in our home community.
Our First meeting was held on a weekend when we documented through discussion:18 sheets of flip chart all the issues affecting our family.
Ways of working with the family
Family did the following activites
Outcome of Family Project
*We each had at least 20-30 incidents of Child Abuse;this is physical and sexual abuse.That's almost 200 seperate incidents.
*Some went to A&D Treatment-successful
*Less destructful lifestyle for all of us
*One established his first home is in a healthy relationship
*Mother,brother and sisters,wives and some grandchildren went to therapy
*Finding and Visiting Relatives:re:Our absent fathers
*Our youth getting help with A&D issues
*Family History researched and documented for 7 generations
*Involved in ADR project:developed by family
*Involved in our traditional Ways
*Our children Aware of the issues Affecting their parents
*We as parents are aware of the damage done to us in IRS and we are family begining to connect with one another as a family
*We are better parents,individuals and community members.
*Developed Family Web site for all of us to keep in touch with one another
FUTURE PLANS: To begin group therapy as we have developed the trust,group rules and cohesiveness to work theraputically with the help of a professional and elder to assist us in our journey.We anticipate at least 2 yrs.
>Our connection with one another
>Learning to Love
>Our honesty with one another
>Coming to Terms with the depth of our loss and Abuse but having hope and Courage to help one another and to share our experience of helping ourselves to other First Nation Communities.

This is what I presented to the SURVIVORS CONFERENCE in Edmonton. Ted

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