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Date Posted: 20:05:33 03/18/01 Sun
Author: Monica
Subject: Greetings

Hello Everyone,

I just got through reading everyones updated messages,its nice to see auntie rubbing it in about the almost summer weather in Vancouver.

Down here in SK. its slushy, muddy and warm, but not hot just warm.

I read my dad's message, it made me proud of him because alot of people were telling me he made an excellent speech. I just wish him and my mother would live it instead of write about healing and being honest.

I made an oath to Ericka that I will not be going down to visit because it's same old same old. There relationship is right out pathetic, always bitching about one another. Calling one another dishonest, grouchy, phoney, depressed etc...................

They push for us (me & the girls) to see therapists, there the ones that should go on a weekly basis because of how disfunctional they both are.

I'm proud to say I recognize my own behaviors, I get called a drunk, but hay at least I can admit that I do drink alot and I don't blame for it, I take responsibility for my own actions. ( thats just an example )

I was pretty turned off by my last visit, so that brought me to the conclusion of staying away till they recognize there behavior which effects me and my sisters and the grand kids.

Besides all of that, me and my daughter are doing fine, I'm going to Saskatoon on Friday or Thursday to look at a dress, it I don't find one I'm going to buy a pattern and the material and Co-Co Dolly said she'll make the dress.

I was in the Hospital last week, the doctor said I had a virus, it was a severe one. They put me in the room with some really old ladys that used bed pans and just liked to stare at me. They never talked to me just stared, it made me depressed on the third day.

Right now i'm just relaxing at home, I'm going to stay up late tonight because I'm on Annual leave all week. Don't have to go to work till next Monday.

I ran into Sockeye over the weekend he's doing good, he gave me words of advise regarding the treatment center that I plan on attending, (when i'm ready)

He asked me "what are you waiting for", my response was that I want to be ready in the head in order for me to heal instead of going just because people are pushing for me to go. RIGHT?

It's 10:00pm - the Simpsons are going to be on so I'll chat with you all soon sometimes.



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