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Date Posted: 20:15:23 04/07/01 Sat
Author: Amanda/Chance
Subject: Happy Easter

Hi Everyone! Hope your all doing fine. Chance and I are doing great. A couple of weeks ago he gave me two stiches above my eye. He was taking a slap shot, and mommy was in the way. Boy did that ever hurt, I wanted to cry but not in front of him. He knew he hurt me though, because he was sounding sad and was calling my name. Now mommy is scarred for life. I'll be mailing your pictures auntie tommorrow when we get back home. I meant to do it this week, but was really busy with work and house hold chores. It's really nice here, alot of snow yet. So we will be having alot of water for spring. Pretty soon sundance season, I have to start preparing for it. I been meaning to do it, but just kept getting caught up with everything else. I know that should have been my priority all year. Chance, Quincy and I are going to Edmonton easter weekend to visit Chance's grandma Jodi. So i'm taking a couple of days off, so we can spend more time with her. Chance just lost his great grandfather(Jodi's dad) a couple of weeks ago. So we'll be spending time with Chance's grandma also. Other than that we are doing fine. I want to sell my car too, anyone intrested? (haha) I'm taking offers! Quincy wants to sell his too i think. So the next vehicle i own will be a van.(haha) I'm also looking into school, i would like to get into teaching special ed students. The college that offers that program is in Red deer. It is a two year course and then you will recieve a certificate. So i don't really know if it would be beneficial to take it or not. Well all take care and well talk soon

Lots of love Chance and mommy!

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