Subject: The NightWatch |
Author: Arwen Evenstar
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Date Posted: 13:01:34 04/13/04 Tue
So, just thought I'd make a quick plug for The NightWatch, since I'm a constable. The NightWatch is the police force of RavenBlack City. We work to enforce laws protecting the graveyard and the clanless. We have a court system available to judge impartially between two parties who have complaints. Additionally, we operate the transit station guards, to lend a coin to vampires who find themselves without the transit fare. We do not interfere in clan wars, or intraclan affairs. If you are interested in joining, or have a complaint to register, visit:
Have a nice day!
~*~Arwen Evenstar~*~
Constable of The NightWatch
P.S. I'm questing for Stamina 1 right now, because I happened to be right by the guild, completely accidentally. I had a decent sum, which I was saving for Celerity 1, but I think the Cel 1 quest will be easier once I have a higher AP cap. :-)
P.P.S. Archangel, Tanyada's sire, is the commander of The NightWatch. He doesn't know that, OOC, Tanyada and Arwen are one and the same. It's not a big secret, but I'd prefer he didn't know, for personal reasons. Just a request, in case any of you choose to get involved there. :-)
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