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Subject: The NightWatch

Arwen Evenstar
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Date Posted: 13:01:34 04/13/04 Tue

So, just thought I'd make a quick plug for The NightWatch, since I'm a constable. The NightWatch is the police force of RavenBlack City. We work to enforce laws protecting the graveyard and the clanless. We have a court system available to judge impartially between two parties who have complaints. Additionally, we operate the transit station guards, to lend a coin to vampires who find themselves without the transit fare. We do not interfere in clan wars, or intraclan affairs. If you are interested in joining, or have a complaint to register, visit:


Have a nice day!

~*~Arwen Evenstar~*~
Constable of The NightWatch

P.S. I'm questing for Stamina 1 right now, because I happened to be right by the guild, completely accidentally. I had a decent sum, which I was saving for Celerity 1, but I think the Cel 1 quest will be easier once I have a higher AP cap. :-)

P.P.S. Archangel, Tanyada's sire, is the commander of The NightWatch. He doesn't know that, OOC, Tanyada and Arwen are one and the same. It's not a big secret, but I'd prefer he didn't know, for personal reasons. Just a request, in case any of you choose to get involved there. :-)

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[> Subject: Got Stamina 1

Arwen Evenstar
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Date Posted: 19:59:57 04/13/04 Tue

Oy.. just got Stamina 1. I'm now down to 83 BP... a 'Demon of Starlight'. That hurt. A lot. Right now, because of the BP loss, I'm down to a max of 55 AP.
*She traces a finger lightly over the new brand on her chest, which is still incredibly red and raw. She winces at the touch, but does not stop. Her voice drops, almost as though she's speaking to herself.* Soon, though... my blood will be as high as it once was, and higher. Truly, I am on my way to immortality...

~*~Arwen Evenstar~*~
Demon of Starlight
Constable of The NightWatch

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[> Subject: Re: The NightWatch

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Date Posted: 06:08:17 04/22/04 Thu

Hell_o! Do you remember me? I`m going to visit Peacekeepers at emerald and 64th, as you have sugested me. It`s long trip for a young vampire. I have applied for NightWatch, I hope you will accept my membership. If you want to meet me I`m at Emerald adn 54th right now.

"We shun them not for their dream but for their refusal to let such a nobel dream die a noble death"

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[> [> Subject: Re: The NightWatch

Arwen Evenstar
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Date Posted: 23:18:36 04/23/04 Fri

I am so very sorry it's taken me all this time to get back to you. There is a part of me that is still very human, and that part has been greatly controlling me lately. Of course, I remember you. I am sorry that I disappeared so suddenly. I went out hunting for a little sustenance, and accidentally got caught a few squares away.

Right now I have exhausted my energy, but by Monday I should be able to meet you anywhere you like in the city. Let me know where you are at. :-)

Also, a small correction. Perhaps I mistyped it before; the Peacekeepers Mission is at Emerald and 66th, not Emerald and 64th. Also, did I explain to you the convention in the city of describing building locations by using the cross-streets directly to the northwest? (i.e., if you're standing in the intersection, the building you are looking for is to the southeast.) This is particularly important because some buildings cannot be seen until you actually step into them. (Peacekeepers you should be able to see from the street.)

Finally, may I suggest that you take note of any streets and banks that you pass along your way? It will help you to find your bearings. There are maps of the city available, but I think a little exploring on your own is crucial in the beginning.

Let me know if there are more ways I can help you! :-)

~*~Arwen Evenstar~*~
Constable of The NightWatch

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