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Welcome to the chat world about Mario. Come here to talk about that sexy and soulful singer, Mario. Come here to talk about him or write stories, poems, or songs. Have a good time and stop by daily. Please come back and chat some more Also to hear Mario's song "Just A Friend 2002" go to www.mario2u.com. Much Mario <3, Gabrielle a.k.a. Mario Lady 4 Life

Subject Author Date
{CARLOS LYRA SOLO TU NO VIENES}lavesanvhslzvudnzwdyvywbnffbsqtsssdayjpbkbmafbjsu19:48:03 08/18/16 Thu
Daily Geography Practice Zipzebedgill01:16:51 03/29/14 Sat
Gino Soccio-The Visitors (Remix) Mp3eilhild01:01:57 03/18/14 Tue
Mario'slovaKea14:13:12 03/07/04 Sun
Why do yall like MARIO?Marios_Woman4life12:00:47 08/20/02 Tue
FINEkerisia17:30:21 01/10/04 Sat
I am mario #1 landyangell Barrett14:21:53 04/06/03 Sun
mario iz so damn fineAngell22:43:10 04/04/03 Fri
How bad do you want to meet Mario?Lauren Thomas18:22:53 07/26/02 Fri
PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!!T'Nee07:23:57 12/20/02 Fri
Why "I" like MarioT'Nee07:15:25 12/20/02 Fri
whhy I love marioGigi hasley10:33:53 12/13/02 Fri
Meet MarioAlison13:06:51 09/06/02 Fri
Hello!!!!!!!mariosdyme08:24:32 09/21/02 Sat
Why I love that sexy thingMario's First lady12:38:23 09/20/02 Fri
Why I LOVE marioChantal15:50:11 08/27/02 Tue
SUP YA'LLBOWWOWCHICK4612:30:47 08/24/02 Sat
Do yall really love him like i do ?............Mario one and only baby gurl sore dumb lil gurls07:44:06 07/18/02 Thu
yo yall mario is minescourtney11:37:00 08/06/02 Tue
yo yall mario is minescourtney11:41:36 08/06/02 Tue
Chick wit da BraidsKendra80408:52:08 07/28/02 Sun
HOW OLD DO YALL THINK MARIO LOOKS!?Bright Delight19:59:45 05/21/02 Tue
mario #1 4-lifeTia20:10:33 07/24/02 Wed
MARIO'S CD!Crazy4Mario1512:01:54 07/19/02 Fri
Mario I think that u r so FINE!!!!!!Karshae Palmo10:55:32 07/16/02 Tue
WHEN DID YALL FIRST HEAR ABOUT MARIO!?Bright Delight19:57:38 05/21/02 Tue
Welcome! Talk About Mario!Gabrielle12:54:15 05/21/02 Tue
TRL !andrea12:20:37 06/03/02 Mon
WassupDeja05:21:22 05/27/02 Mon
*~Join Mario's Support Team*~Gabrielle15:08:36 05/21/02 Tue

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