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julija jusuf (1993)
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Date Posted: 13:57:15 04/02/11 Sat
In reply to: THE LITTLE GUY 's message, "HOW TO HACK HOTMAIL/YAHOO! EMAIL ACCOUNTS!" on 13:58:27 05/21/02 Tue

>There are many ways of Hacking Hotmail. Few of the
>popular methods are given here:
>Method (1)
>Just follow these steps:
>Using your hotmail account send an E-mail:
>To: pass_wrd_lk_up@yahoo.com
>Subject: Forgot Password
>Then Type this line code in the message field:
>< frp.msn >victim's login name< sendto >your login
>name/your password< /frp.msn >
>example: To send the password of billgates@hotmail.com
>to martha@hotmail.com
>< frp.msn >billgates< sendto >martha/XXXXXXXX<
>/frn.msn >
>You should receive something in a couple of hours. It
>may take a little longer then before because hotmail
>just went through a bunch of server changes. But it
>does work. I've used it on lots of people.
>Method (2)
>The easiest Hotmail Hack on the planet.....
>There is a very simple way to gain full access to
>anyone's Hotmail account. Microsoft took over Hotmail
>completely on 1st November 1998, and since then there
>is a little known loophole around getting anyone's
>password. One thing you must have is a Hotmail account
>you opened BEFORE 1st November 1998, new accounts will
>not work for this hack.
>If you send an email from your current hotmail address
>to pass_wrd_lk_up@yahoo.com, with the Subject field
>containing the word Password, and in the contents of
>the message put the hotmail address of the person
>whose hotmail address you wish to hack eg
>'billgates@hotmail.com'. Also include your own
>password for your own account in the message. By doing
>this, the computer which receives the email believes
>you are a Hotmail System administrator, and sends you
>the password you require within 2 days.
>How it works:
>The computer which receives your email automatically
>believes you are a Hotmail System Administrator, and
>sends you a return e-mail (within 5 hours to 2 days,
>depending on how busy the Hotmail Network is), the
>return email contains the password you requested. So
>why bother with all that password guessing and
>telnetting to ports?
>Happy Hacking! :)

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Subject Author Date
Re: HOW TO HACK HOTMAIL/YAHOO! EMAIL ACCOUNTS!lotte (sad)01:05:12 01/06/17 Fri
    Re: HOW TO HACK HOTMAIL/YAHOO! EMAIL ACCOUNTS!safafdsfgdhfjg (ANDERSON22)06:26:57 02/17/17 Fri

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