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Subject: Re: Hacker For Hire (THE DARK CRACKER) 100% WORK DONE

oleftek (help)
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Date Posted: 14:05:27 10/29/18 Mon
In reply to: AlAN 's message, "Hacker For Hire (THE DARK CRACKER) 100% WORK DONE" on 04:57:54 11/13/17 Mon

>You will be provided with Facebook password of your
>victim, we follow hard methods for your safety, your
>victim will be hacked by without knowing that they
>have been hacked and we give guarantee about that.
>Gmail is the largest mail provider and it is highly
>secured, but not for hackers, these days all your
>online activity is stored in Emails and it will be
>linked with many social networking sites, once you
>have access to victim Email you have most of his data.
>This Is the place where all things can happen, many
>people being black mailed by skype and once you pay to
>scammer, you have to pay him rest of your life, but
>once you tell his personal details to him he will
>never come to you again. And we have a tool that
>captures video and text of your victim remotely.
>Yahoo mail is mostly used for business purposes,
>because of its security but a hacker can run a long
>brute force attack to capture password of a yahoo
>account. Once that password matches hacker can access
>all data.
>Every website is hackable but hacker have to find its
>vulnerabilities, and have to follow thousands of
>methods to complete the goal, unless you are asking us
>to hack a government&Top sites we will help you with
>If you want to capture every step of your victim
>mobile hacking is the best way. These days everything
>above is linked with mobile phones, So once we hack
>mobile phone of your victim you can have access to all
>of his data.

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