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Date Posted: 08:50:05 05/27/02 Mon
Author: Kris et Tarn
Subject: I was sent? Zoooom!

Your Name- Kris
Your Age- Around 20
Your Gender- Female
Your Appearance- Skin colored a bronzish color, slightly glossy beneath the beating rays of the sun. Hair the color of silver, silky yet thick to the touch. It reaches just past her shoulders, though as it is usually kept behind the hood, none but she would know that. The various feathers that are a part of her anatomy are all the color of snow: pure ivory, but one black of either 'ear'. Eyes the color of molten copper, just as fluidly changing their appearance from guileless innocence to dangerous intimidation. Wearing earthen colors at all times, as to appear one with her surroundings, merely another branch, a bunch of leaves. Hidden are many daggers, as well as the sheathed blade across her back, curved and wicked if it were visible. Going between the twin wings that adorn her back, it is rarely drawn. Dull scarlet scales contrast lightly with ivory and ebony feathers.
Your Personality- A rather secretive person, she rarely speaks with true feeling. More often then not, she reveals emotions that aren't true. Very good at hiding what she doesn't wish to be known, the only person she truly trusts is Tarn, and even he has as certain extent of being pushed away from her secrets. Rarely does she truly smile, though the thin, frozen one she gives to others may appear to be one of true feeling, warm and bright. [.To find out in more detail, Rp with her ^_^.]

Your Name- Tarn
Your Age- Around 23
Your Gender- Male
Your Appearance- Hair the color of rust, extending barely to his shoulders. Kept in a ponytail most of the time, to keep it out of his eyes, it is ruggedly cut, some strands shorter or longer then others. Skin toned a silverish color, a bit pale in contrast to the stark blackness of his feathers. Scales of a dull blue, almost black color, gently contrasting his skin tone as well. Eyes colored a deep gold, emotionless in their appearance. Always wearing black as an odd manner that would make most uneasy. The blades hidden within it would surprise even a master thief if he tried to steal from Tarn. The only visible weapons would be twin scie that are tied to his sides in an easy manner. [Scie are crescent shaped blades. A handle in the middle of the metal allows grip... Hard to explain exact appearance of them ^_^;]
Your Personality- Not to be told.. Very much like Kris in his odd masculine way...

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