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Date Posted: 15:46:50 05/30/02 Thu
Author: Tae
Subject: ^cringes^ My 'pologies.. Mrrf... I'll change it ^pokie^ He, he. I was tired, didn't even read Kain's deccy. >points inside at the new post for Tae<
In reply to: Webdude 's message, "::murfs at the second person to join oh-so-much like Kain:: Welcome, though. I always welcome new members! Almost, that is.." on 13:42:32 05/30/02 Thu

Your Name- Tae
Your Age- About 25
Your Gender- Female
Your Appearance- Eyes of silvered hue, gently contrasted by the sunburst center of violent deep purple. Wavy rust hair descends just past her shoulders, usually dissauded in it's fall by being forced into a thick ponytail. Any scales that are part of her body are colored a crimson color, some of it turning more towards rusty at the edges. Wings colored white, tainted by several more rust colored feathers in either. Ear-feathers the color of emeralds, none different. Skin toned a bronze-silver, as if it couldn't choose between the two. Together they make an odd combination. Wearing dark tones, mostly darker reds and black. A sheathed blade lies across her back, barely visible beneath the blue-gray cloak she wears, the main thing that is light that she ever wears. Daggers, not seen, are hidden in various places. Only one is visible, a black hilted blade of ancient origins. Not very great to look at, but a fine dagger indeed.
Your Personality- To be found out by roleplaying [I dun' like giving away things like that before one gives my charries a chance]

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