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Decore's Share
C'mon in!
*As you walk down the dimly lit hall into Decore's section, the light becomes brighter and brighter until you reach his door. The light then slowly fades as you walk into the area. The door opens with a slow crrreeeaaakkkkk...As you enter the room, incense fills your nostrils- the smell of a pine forest. The room is lighted by many candles in many colors.

There are tapestries and velvet draped over the old furniture and off to the left there is a large kitchen made of black wood with golden knobs on the cabinets and such. Off to the right there is a bedroom, the bed covered with a huge black velvet blanket with the huge embroided silver bat upon it. The bat shimmers brightly, depite the lack of light.

Blood containers are full in the 'fridge so there is never a shortage.

So make yourself at home and I'll be with you soon!
Moonlight Herbs

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