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Subject: Juss a lil sumthin

Golden Child
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Date Posted: 19:26:49 05/22/02 Wed

my vocab/
grabs fags with a wrath/
my gift of gab stabs at a path soo amazingly fast/
I last mc's out in 15 rounds of throwing down....
but still...they cant calculate the fraction of the
my mass/
empowers over many founders spitten spear tipped
flows through many cities... like the sears tower/
I clobber/
many foes with thunderous flows it blows through
ya nose and enters ya back in a astonishing hole/
I know/
that my dark presense flows at a pace beyond the
speed of sound can even go/
I glow/
with energy filled inside the mainframe of viens
thats throughout my mind/
infinte rhymes/
infinite lines/
and still.... it keeps in shine/
and in time/
I prove my ultimate elevation/
showing calm still patience/
and many obsticles I got caught in and still facin/
I faced it/
now spitten harsh on the lounge/
sorrounded with intimidating body actions and frowns/
of how/
I went from being lost in the game and being found/
so face shit/
the facts are actual/
throwing them in dis-ordaly conduct just flowin at you/
you have a question?/
I have a immediate anser to give fools/
lyrical tools/
like a pencil/
or paper/
even a intelligent mind counts when emcees puncture

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