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Subject: Re: Roof rack

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Date Posted: 13:31:22 09/01/02 Sun
In reply to: Kent 's message, "Roof rack" on 13:14:25 09/01/02 Sun

Don't know about 1 but 2 and 3 I know.

2. The gas gauge is very strange. There is an update to the fuel gauge but I'm not sure it will change anything. From what I read online, a few complaints that people ran out of gas cause the low fuel light came on very late. So now it appears to come on at 2gallons left(mine is a 2002). Considering our tank is only 17 gallons or so, that's way to early to come on(IMHO). Also if you park on a hill, the light will come on and stay on even though you have more than 2 gallons until you shut the truck off. It appears we have to live with this fault. :(

3. Yes my gas cap does not fit the holder either. My guess is that in 94(the first of this style truck), they used a gas cap that fit the holder, then after a while(maybe when they changed to plastic type gas tank?), the cap changed. Since the truck is being replaced by the new model, I assume it was too much trouble(aka $$) to redesign this. And they wonder why GM gets a bad rap! ;)

FYI, I've been averaging a little under 12MPG but mostly very short city driving(best tank was almost 18 all highway). I have 1500 miles now which means I'm only driving about 500 miles a month! That will go up cause I've sold my 89 Trooper so back to a two car family now(plus a Motorcycle).

Have fun with your Crew!

2002 Crew ZR5

>Where can i get the all black roof rack like on
>Brule's truck, i have checked ebay and cant find one.
>I dont wanna pay a fortune(dealer). What kinda $ are
>we talkin guys. Also, my truck (01 just bought used
>w/ 21k) does some things and i wanna make sure they
>are ok.
>1. When i have the ac on and set for a minute at a
>light, then go to accelerate the motor sounds real
>loud and "grump". Is this norm?
>2. The gas gauge is wierd. ie. it takes about 15
>miles to drain the last 1/4 tank. It gets stuck on E
>when i go down a hill with less then half a tank. Is
>this norm?
>3. The gas cap does not fit in the hooks on the gas
>door, it seems as if this is wrong. The line from the
>truck to the cap is there, i am just worried it has
>been wrecked.
>Thats all i can think of for now!

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Re: Roof rackJohn18:04:57 09/01/02 Sun

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