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Subject: Re: Gas Gauge

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Date Posted: 06:22:54 09/02/02 Mon
In reply to: Joseph 's message, "Re: Gas Gauge" on 20:15:53 09/01/02 Sun

The gas gauge is a problem, and GM really doesnt have a fix for it. Its caused by 2 things. 1st being there are no baffles in the tank and the second is a software issue in neutral. There is none. The dealer did a bunch of stuff to my truck before figuring out that it was just the way the factory made it. A software update did help some, to smooth the needle out, but not a solve. As for the fan noise, I had have that too. I did install an electric fan and wow does it make a nice difference on the power, but but and thats a big but, the truck temp wont stay cool when the outside temps are about 90 degrees and the air conditioning is on. I had to remove the e-fan and go back to the factory fan. This fall I'm going to install a larger radiator so I can reinstall the e-fan. I found out that 96 models had a bigger radiator and the e-fan works nice with them. GM and there cost savings ideas I guess.

My gas cap doesnt fit either in the slot on the door. Wonder what the heck GM was thinking there. First time I got gas, I thought to myself, "what a joke that is for a new truck".

Good luck

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