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You walk in to a huge room. You look up at the giant stain glass windows and try to work out what it is that is portrayed on them. "Hello," a voice comes from in front of you. You look down to see a brunet kneeling in the middle of the room. "I'm Deadly Desire and this is the potion room where you'll find me most of the time." She puts a bottle down on the ground and stands up. "I think up the potions, whether they be for good or evil," she gives an evil smirk and looks round the room. "You can have a look round but don't touch anything! Some of the stuff in these bottles are deadly and you don't want to let them out," she goes and kneels back down, scribbly a few things on a piece of paper then muttering some words. You walk over to the right and study the shelves that are mostly filled with bottles and jars with a couple of books scattered here and there. You stare curiously at a small statue of a black horse. Something makes you stare harder at it then suddenly the small steel black head of the horse twists round and stares you right in the eye. Then its eyes begin to lit up with a red glowing. You pull back and look at Deadly Desire who's still writing down things. You look back to the statue but it had returned to its normal position.
Were you dreaming or did that just happen?
You walk down some more going over the shelves. You stop at a book called Sith of Darkness. You look back to Deadly then quietly take the book off the shelf. You randomly open a page and suddenly it was like there was a hurricane inside the room. you grab the shelves to stop from blowing away. Spare pieces of paper fly everywhere. Then everything was still, Deadly Desire was standing in front of you with the closed book in her hands. "What did I tell you? This is what happens when you touch stuff, well that's what I get for being so trusting," she puts the book back on the shelf. "Now if your going to cause more trouble get out!" she says walking back to the center of the room. For a moment you look more closely at what she was doing. In the middle of the room was a black circluar rug which had some gold markings on but you couldn't really see what they were. Deadly was kneeling at the side furthest from the door and was writing on a piece of paper. There were lit candles around the outside of the rug. Just in front of her was a small pot that looked like one you'd see witches in fairy tales using, well not just for fairy tales you guessed. Deadly occasionally threw something or poured in a liquid. You looked across to the other wall which was lined with shelves like the one you had just looked at. "Are you going?" Deadly says looking up from her potion. You slowly walk towards the door. The floorboards creak and you could have sworen you heard some voices but they didn't sound like Deadly's and there were more than one. You remember what you were going to ask Deadly and spin round and hear a voice suddenly yell or scream (it was hard to tell). You look round the room but no one except Deadly was there. "Yes what would you like?" she looks up at you.

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