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Date Posted: 00:01:34 05/29/02 Wed
Author: Norman Jones
Subject: Reunion year '65-72

Hello everyone out there!
How is it with you all? We have some things happening slowly but surely.We need to have some input,some attention,any interest,in particular..interest in the old drama club..the music people..the sport people.Remember Tony Eustance?We have a plan to close the final stage performance at the school with an award to present to pupils of drama,a trophy, presented by Tony, with our contribution to their school's history in mind.We(being Ronnie Walsh,Paul Bostock and myself)have been planning something on these lines for some time,and time is not something on our side!We need to gel this together and apart from the drama thing,I feel we could all contribute something that will be a permanent reminder to the upcoming generations of what made Scomp and us,in its early days as one of the first Comps in this country!!!We have met with Tony and he is with us on this.There is a wealth of documentation and photo archives out there to back our effort.We could have our major YEAR reunion based on all of this,as the school finally closes and "goes through its final hours!!"We all have something to remember..good or bad!!...and it was our grounding into what we are today,even if it was'nt our beginings!! One or two of us need the encouragement to go on..to make something of this and it will go on into the new incarnation that is Speke Comp.!! So let us know your ideas and feelings on this forum or by emailing us on the email addresses on the Scomp site.Sorry for the grovelling legnth of this!..but it's a good excuse for a....**** **..get together!!
Best Wishes to everyone,

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