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Date Posted: 18:19:22 10/15/03 Wed
Author: Nick
Author Host/IP: pD9E6B6A9.dip.t-dialin.net /
Subject: Re: Spreading Shawn's music
In reply to: Bob Lynch 's message, "Re: Spreading Shawn's music" on 14:26:36 10/15/03 Wed

>>very cool man! cool choice of tunes youŽd made...
>>dude, no one should be offended from that, you made a
>>homage to the greatest guitar player ever, and thats a
>>great thing! i think youŽre going to add some more
>>information or something, so iŽll keep checking this
>>site out oh, btw i hope you didnŽt forget to make an
>>entry in some search engines so that people can find
>>your site...
>>keep it going man!
>Thanks. I'll do what I can with the limited amount of
>space I have. How do I "broadcast" the site to the
>major saerch engines? I know higher-end HTML editors
>can do it, but I'm just using Netscape Communicator.
>Any help would be appreciated. Also, if anyone has
>space they want to donate to their favorite Shawn
>stuff, I'd be happy to link to it if you like.

hmm, donŽt know exactly how to do it... but try it in here:


and try some search-engines, like yahoo, google and so on, most of them explain how to do it on the homepage (basically you just type in some keywords and your webaddress like in the link above)... but it may took a while till your website actually can be found by a search engine, if you would pay for it it would take 1-2 days, if you donŽt wanna pay for it it mostly will take about 2-12 weeks...
hope i helped a litte, maybe others got some better ideas?

i gotta new musical project in coming, and i also want to make a kind of tribute to shawn as my major influence on my upcoming page, mostly for the european people, because he is VERY unknown here, and somehow i have the need to change that, at least iŽll try^^ maybe we can make a link-exchange then, that would be cool! (but it will take me a while to build this page, iŽm such a lazy guy :( ...)

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