Date Posted:08:05:33 12/24/03 Wed Author:Lord_Li Author Host/IP: / Subject: Re: REH matrials corrected? In reply to:
Cliff Garrett
's message, "Re: REH matrials corrected?" on 21:34:41 12/23/03 Tue
You gotta get the book dude. The video tabs are horrible.
>I have corrected them. Through hours of creating DVDs
>with chapter breaks, and looping his ideas, I was able
>to get his ideas down. They are even different in
>execution that he explains them, but that is what 1/8
>speed playback is for. Warner is fully underequipped
>in trascribing Shawn.
>>You are not the only one. This problem exists and I
>>have informed Warner Brothers. Will see how and when
>>they act on it
>>>I have the two REH instructional videos and the REH
>>>book/cd set, and they appear to be both incomplete,
>>>and inaccurate from what Shawn is explaining about
>>>technique. I am trying to go through and put chapter
>>>breaks in the videos ( I have created MPGs of these
>>>tapes ), and through slowing down the video by 8x and
>>>looping his ideas, you can plainly see that the
>>>transciptions are incorrect. It also appears that
>>>Shawn's own playing had evolved past what he one had
>>>stated as certain techniques, because he doesn't
>>>execute the ideas the same as he performs them at
>>>speed. Anyone else been through his already?