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Date Posted: 03:03:16 04/08/17 Sat
Author: Dr Joseph Fribbleman
Subject: Products for sex stimulation, slimming, rejuvenation, muscle growth and more


Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelingts and orgasms. Products to intensify erections, genital blood flow, vulvar engorgement, vaginal lubrication and general sexual physiology.



About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs



Sex toys for women and men. Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.



A complete set of advices for successful slimming.



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Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products. Also products to help for urinary tract infection, yeast infection, men's problems and women's problems.



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Complex Numbers - the Basics

Algebra with ordinary plain numbers do not work in some instances, for example when a part of a function happens to express the sqare root of -1. By using composed mathematical objects called complex numbers and composted opearations with these, instead of plain numbers and operations, one avoids this problem and the arithmetics get more practical for several applications.


A complex number is a composed mathematical object that can be written in the form a +/- bi, where a and b are real or ordinary numbers.

The unit i is defined as the square root of -1, that is i*i=-1. The a and bu parts of the object is usually called the real and imaginary part.

When you calculate with complex numbers, you calculate with whit them as if they were polinomials, but each time you get i*i you replace this with -1. Here is an example:

(4+3i)(2+5i) = 8+20i+6i-15=-9-15+20i+6i=-6+26i

In real life applications, you will typically use complex number for phenomenons that have two connected parts and where value of these parts behave like the real and imaginary part of this kind of mathematica.


You can also define complex numbers and calculations with complex numbers in another way. This definition is like the following.

A complex number is and ordered pair of two real numbers (a,b)

Adding two complec numbers (a,b) and (c,d) is done this way: (a,b)+(c,d)`= (a+c, b+d)

Multiplying two complex numbers (a,b) and (c,d) is done this way: (a,b)*(c,d)`= (ac-bd, ad+bc)

Using the same example this way we get: (4,3)*(2,5)=(4*2-3*5,4*5+3*2)=(8-15,20+6)=(-6,26), and this gives the same real part and imaginary part in the answar.


If one performs a symbolic multiplication of two complec numbers with the first method, one gets:


Since there is no way of adding togeather the term with and without i, the plus sign between them can be replaced by a comma while taking away the i, and one gets: (a,b)*(c,d)`= (ac-bd, ad+bc)

You can esily perform a similar transformation using addition.

Knut Holt is a business consultant, writer and marketer focusing on science and on on the health field. At his site you can get a lot of tips regarding disease cures, fitness and sexuality, and find exciting products for the same purposes


How to Prevent Heart Disease and Circulatory


Lifestyle factors cause most incidents of heart

disease and diseases in the blood circulation,

either wholly or partially. Bad lifestyle can

cause blood vessels to be narrowed, high blood

pressure and inflammatory processes in the

circulatory system. These changes will

themselves decrease the general condition and

tissue health, and can cause more dramatic

events like blod clots, heart infarction or


Here are some simple advices to avoid disease

in the heart and blood vessels and to help

regain good circulatory health if such disease

already are present.

- Do not smoke or use any other types of

nicotine sources. Smoking is perhaps the most

potent cause of circulatory problems.

- Have some exercises at least every second day

that make your heart work harder. Jogging,

cycling, playing ball, swimming or other

activities where you increase your energy

consume are good for your blood circulation.

The exercises should however be adjusted to

your present health condition.

- Get enough sleep each 24 hours. All the sleep

does not however need to occur during night.

You can for example take out some of your need

for sleep as a siesta in the middle of the day.

7 hours sleep seems to be the ideal for optimal

circulatory health. Much more sleep seems to be

bad for your blood circulation.

- Avoid a high amount of stress over a longer

period. If there is something in your lifestyle

or work that makes you stressed, you should

make adjustments. Meditation is a good method

to stress down.

- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do

not add much oil, butter or other types of fat

to your food. Do not consume much fast-food or

ready made food that often contain great amount

of added fat.

-Avoid altogether chemically altered fat, so-

called trans-fat. This type of fat is often

found in margarine and is often added to many

types of cookies.

-Avoid great amounts of saturated fat, as found

in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut

products and butter.

- Still you need some fat. The fat you mostly

need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in

olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and

almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found for

example in fish, seafood and flax oil and

omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil,

soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and many

types of nuts.

- Much of the fat you still choose to add to

your food should be oils with mono-unsaturated

fat like olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or

canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil can be

added to get enough omega-3-fat. You can also

use some soy oil, corn oils and other types of

natural oils with a high content of omega-6-

fat, but do not use too much of these to avoid

over-consuming this type of fat.

- Avoid consuming great amounts of salt. Do not

add much salt to the food you ccok, and do not

eat great amounts of ready made salty food.

When it is hot in the weather or you are in

high physical activity, you will however need

some more salt, and must consume some more than


- Eat some nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds

several times each week, since these food types

give you fat valuable for your circulatory


- Eat fish at least every second day. Use lean

meat, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood and lean

diary products in the food you make.

- Consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

Avoid adding great amounts of sugar to your

food. Avoid consuming much sweet drinks,

cookies and snacks with great amounts of sugar

and other carbohydrates.

- Use carbohydrate sources that contain fibre

and that let the carbohydrates be taken up over

some time, for example full corn bread and

cereals, beans, peas and fresh fruit.

- Eat vegetables and fruit to each meal in

order to get enough vitamins, minerals, fibres

and anti-oxidants. They should be raw or only

gently cooked so that the content of nutrients

is not washed out.

- A moderate alcohol consume is good for your

blood circulation, especially red wine, but

over-drinking has the opposite effect.

- Avoid excessive eating. Eating too much is

not good for your blood circulation even though

you eat sound food.

- Reduce excessive weight. The advices depicted

above will often over time normalize your

weight. If this is not enough you should carry

through a more specific weight reduction


- If you suffer from diabetes, this disease

should be well controlled.

- Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals,

essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants may be

useful. Also some herbal supplements containing

adaptogenic factors can be useful, for example

supplements based on ginseng or roseroot

(Rhodiola rocea). Supplements are especially

useful if it is difficult to achieve a wholly

satisfactory diet, or you have extra stressful

conditions in your life you cannot avoid.

The advices depicted above are not only good

for your circulatory health, but will also help

to avoid rheumatism, cancer and other types of


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and

marketer focusing on health items.----TO FIND

natural help against common diseases, for

example: Heart problems, over-weight, acne,

hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, anxiety,

hemorrhoids, joint pain, allergies, rheumatism,

respiratory diseases, and more PLEASE VISIT:


---For supplements to prevent heart disease and

other health problems, PLEASE VISIT

----Free to reprint with the author's name and

Article Source:


What Are Those Chemtrails that Aircrafts Leave In the Sky

People in all western countries see high flying jet planes make misty tracks that extend and cover the whole sky. Some think authorities secretly spray the sky with substances.

For several years people in both urban and rural areas in western countries have frequently observed high-flying aircrafts leaving after themselves tracks that look like ordinary contrails. But they do not dissolve, but instead spread out over the sky and leave a mist shielding much of the sunrays from coming through, and thus alter the weather for hours.

Some people dismiss these so-called chemtrails as observations of ordinary contrails behaving in a special way under certain meteorological conditions, while others think authorities are deliberately spreading the sky with chemical substances for one or more secret purposes.


To construct a well-founded explanation, one must first have a clear view about what is actually observed. Even though it is easy to see the phenomenon, many of the details told about are somewhat uncertain, so already at this stage the phenomenon is difficult to assess.

Basically one observes jet planes flying at an altitude of 10000 meters or more that lave after themselves a misty track looking much like an ordinary contrail, but perhaps have a somewhat denser appearance.

Several planes fly approximately at the same time at some regular distance from each other and leave parallel tracks. According to witnesses one can often observe that the same planes turn and fly back to leave a new track parallel to those already made or crossing those. This kind of behavior has been extensively documented also by pictures taken by observers.

The tracks do not dissolve, but widen and eventually run together to make a carpet of milky-looking mist over a wide area. This carpet blocks out much of the sunrays many hours. The mist decreases the temperature at lower altitude, but does not seem to cause rain or other meteorological phenomenons, at least not immediately.

The phenomenon are always confined to a limited area, but this is wide, usually from horizon to horizon. At the borders of this area, one can see that the spreading of these tracks abruptly begins or ends. Before and after the same planes leave ordinary contrails. One can often observe other planes flying over the same area that only leave normal contrails.

The activity seems to be confined to limited periods on a day, at any time during the day, but perhaps more frequent from the early morning to around 4 PM. This massive, but limited, activity occur both in urban areas with normally high air traffic and in rural areas where the air traffic usually is small.

The planes making these tracks always seem to be transport planes of some size, so that they can carry a significant load. People have actually observed and even taking pictures of separate nozzles on the wings of aircrafts spreading out substances, and they associate this observation with the chemtrail activity.

Some people report powder of some sort occasionally falling down over an area where these so-called chemtrails have been laid, and that this powder tend to form thin layers on water surfaces. Some observers have undertaken chemical analyses of water from those areas and report an abnormal content of aluminum or barium in the water.

There are also reports of people feeling ill after a spraying, most often as irritation or allergy-like reactions from the respiratory organs.


Some explain the phenomenon conventionally that the tracks are ordinary contrails made by aircraft flying in areas where cold air is saturated with dissolved water. The water vapor from the engines will then be all converted to small ice crystals and these will not dissolve because the air already is saturated. As this explanation further goes, the whole sky will be covered with mist because the area is highly trafficked by airplanes.

The conventional explanation has however a problem explaining the navigational behavior of the aircrafts which involves turning and flying back over the same area again. This activity is highly impractical for conventional air traffic and also violates normal traffic regulations.

It also have problems explaining the sharp margins of the sprayed areas and the massive activity of these aircrafts during limited time periods on the day, and that this activity often occur over areas with normally little air traffic. The ability of these tracks to spread out and last for a long time also seems odd, even though this property is difficult to assess.

Some people think the authorities spray germs or toxic substances that will make people sick or infertile to reduce the population of Earth, or that they use populations in epidemiological experiments. The explanation is not as lunatic as it might sound, because certain authorities in certain countries have a documented historical record of using populations as involuntary Guiana pigs. This reason is however unlikely for the bulk of the activity, because also the authority persons and those practically performing the activity would be in danger if this is the purpose.

Some think authorities perform mass vaccination of populations against certain diseases by spreading germs that cause a mild and mostly unremarkable variant of the same diseases. The vaccination could be for serious purposes, or be a grand scale research project to investigate the feasibility of such vaccination programs.

In case of a massive epidemy of a serious disease threatening to break out, ability to vaccinate large populations so cheaply and rapidly would be highly useful, and one can be sure authorities are tempted to develop and try out such methods. The methods have clear ethical problems, though, but historic records tell us that authorities tend to let the usefulness weight heavier than ethical considerations in such cases. Still, it would be a waste of money to do such visitations in a grand scale before a real epidemy is threatening large populations, and such a grand scale vaccination program also has clear hazards, so the explanation can probably be valid only for a part of the activity.

There are claims that authorities spread substances that modify the feelings, thinking pattern and behavior of populations, and the elememt lithium that is in common use in the psychiatry to modify mood swings have been metioned.

NASA has admitted that this agency spread litium inorder to study the movement of gasses and plasmas in the upper athmosphere

Certain people claiming to have inside information tell that the military spread small aluminum particles in the atmosphere to deflect radar waves and make a zone opaque for insight with radar as a means of defense. The explanation might be valid in a minor scale, but massive spread of particles for that purpose would also make own radar equipment useless.

Some explain the activity as a grand scale weather modification project, or at least heavy research projects to test ways of modifying the weather. The main purpose for the project is said to be shielding the earth from the sunrays by reflecting them back and thereby reduce the atmospheric temperature and counteract the greenhouse effect. Also other effects like inducing rainfall, snowfall or modifying winds may be a part of the purpose. The effect is obtained by spreading particles that work as seeds for formation of clouds, and the misty carpet seen after a spraying session is clouds thus produced, and not the particles themselves.

The fact that the misty sheet produced by the activity actually do shield from sunrays and decrease the temperature, supports this explanation. It is also supported by the fact that politicians and scientists are talking about the greenhouse effect as a serious threat that necessitates grand scale countermeasures. The alleged detection of substances like aluminum or barium after such sessions also support the explanation.

Great areas in Europe and North America have experienced a colder climate the latest years in spite of an increase in global temperature as a whole, which also might be explained as a result of weather modification activities.

Rain- and snowmaking by means of silver iodide crystals spread out in the air is actually done at special occasions, for example to provide rain for the agriculture, and snow for winter sport arrangements, and it is not a great conceptual leap to do something similar in a greater scale but possible with cheaper and less toxic substances than silver iodide.


The activity of the aircrafts causing misty sky over large areas is so abnormal in comparison to daily air traffic under ordinary regulations, that one must conclude that authorities perform some kind of purposeful activity not told about openly, and since this seem to occur in many countries, it is probably a kind of international project.

Most probably it is a grand scale weather modification project to counteract the greenhouse effect, or at least scientific activity to test out such a modification.This seems probable both because one can observe that the activity has such a shielding effect, and because countermeasures against global warming are generally spoken of as something necessary and urgent.

The method used seems to be spreading of small particles of aluminum or some salt in a great enough amount to induce cloud formation, but not in such an amount that it interferes with radar or is easily detectable.

Some of the activity probably also have the purpose of trying out airborne vaccines against diseases, and this part of the activity may even be combined with the spraying of weather-modificating substances. The frequent symptoms occurring after observed spreading are a strong indication for this. Also health authorities in any country have a heavy history of both secret experimentation on populqtions and of subjecting populations to secret means of treating or hindering diseases.

It is probable that some of the aerosol spreading have the purpose of modifying mental functions, and that they especially aim at making population more easy to controle and lead by reducing the capacity of critical thinking, making people more inclined to believe propaganda, more inclined to follow orders or suggestions, and have less sexual drive.

If you compare the bahavior of populations in the 1970es and the populations after 2000, the populations tend to act much more in accordance with all kind of orders and suggestions from any kind of authorities than before, tend to blindly believe anything authorities tell, and accept conditions imposed on them by authorities much more than before. Also the population after 2000 seems to a large extent to be sexually paralized. These mental changes in the populations suggest that some kind of secret modification of public feelings and behavior, making populations more easy to controle and lead, really is going on. By authorities is meant not only public authorities, but also strong private organizations and leaders of strong religiou movements.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer interested in the scientific and health fields. To read more about scientific topics and to find interesting products in the fields RC models, science equipment, hobby, automotive and more, please see his web-site.



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